Learn About Money
At Scotwest, we are committed to helping our members get the most out of their money by providing information on financial training and education.
Comparethemarket Young Adult’s Guide to Credit
For a young adult who is just starting out on their independent financial journey, the world of credit can be complicated. The easier option is to ignore the topic altogether, but understanding the ways you can impact your credit score (both positively and negatively) will help you to feel in control of this vital aspect of money management.
Unfortunately, there’s no quick fix when it comes to establishing a healthy credit score. That’s why it’s so important to start thinking about your financial health early on, so you can develop good habits which help build a favourable score.
The team at Comparethemarket have put together this guide with all you need to know about credit, so you can start to organise your finances as a young adult.
Financial Capability e-Learning Module from Money Advice Scotland
Are you worried about making your money last from week to week?
Would you like to feel more in control of your finances?

Money Advice Scotland have launched a Financial Capability e-Learning Module*, designed to help you improve your money management and budgeting skills.
The module will help you to create your own personal household budget and to prepare financially for the future, with lots of hints and tips around how to save money along the way. It doesn’t matter if you have never budgeted before, or would just like to improve your financial awareness – there will be something in the module for you.
Register for the module on the Money Advice Scotland website here*. You will receive a unique log-in and can work through the programme at your own pace.
If you would like further money advice, or are worried about debt, you can contact the Money Advice Scotland Helpline free on 0800 731 4722 for further help and information.
The Open University Business School Learning Resources
These courses, produced by the Open University, are ideal for Members interested in developing their personal finance skills and improving their financial decision making.
Managing My Money For Young Adults* – a personal financial management course designed for young people aged from 14 years upwards covering everything they need to know to get started on the exciting financial journey that lies ahead for them.
Money Saving Expert’s Academy of Money*- a free course to give people the skills and knowledge to master their finances.
Retirement Planning Made Easy*- Planning retirement is probably the most important aspect of financial planning. Making the right decisions and building a sound financial plan can help to ensure that people have the quality of life in retirement that they aspire to.
Managing My Investments* – a guide to investment plans, portfolios and pension planning
The courses are free of charge and available through the Open University website here*.
With thanks to the True Potential Centre for the Public Understanding of Finance.*
*Please note these are links to external sites. Scotwest is not responsible for the content or views expressed on them.