If you are paying high interest rates on other loans and credit cards and want to reduce your monthly repayments, you may want to consider a Consolidation Loan. With a Representative APR 19.5% the Consolidation Loan may reduce your monthly payments compared to many credit and store cards, and having one manageable monthly repayment could take the pressure off your outgoings and help you to streamline your finances.

Every loan application is carefully and individually assessed; decisions are based on a range of factors, always considering your income and expenditure and ability to repay.

Loan Example – £15,000 over 60 months at 19.5% representative APR

Amount per month Representative APR Interest rate Total charge for credit Total repaid
£380.49 19.5% 17.95% £7,829.61 £22,829.61

With the Consolidation Loan you can borrow from £1,001 to £20,000 which can be repaid over a period of up to 7 years.

Consolidation Loan Terms & Conditions


At Scotwest, we help members who are struggling with their Scotwest loans. If you are experiencing debt problems, make sure that you get help straight away by speaking to your lender in the first instance before it spirals out of control. You can read guides on borrowing money and take the Debt Test from the team at Money Advice Scotland on our website here: scotwest.co.uk/borrowing-money

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You can now apply for membership of Scotwest together with a loan online at any time. Our Member Service Advisors can also take your application over the phone.

Call us on 0141 227 2390