At Monday’s Board Meeting we welcomed our newest Director, Barry Douglas, to his first meeting, I look forward to working with him for the benefit of Scotwest and its Members. Elections were also held for the positions of Vice Chair and Secretary of the Board and I am pleased to announce that Caroline McMichael and Cathy Jamieson were appointed to the roles respectively.

In addition to approving the latest Management Accounts, Loan Book Report and a variety of updated policies, we received an update from Brown Shipley, the organisation responsible for Scotwest’s investments where we heard how they are working on getting the most return for our Members during this difficult time.

This month sees the annual NCUF (National Credit Union Forum) Conference take place which sees directors from credit unions around the UK come together – this time remotely – to discuss practices and ways forward for the credit union sector. We will also be hearing from a variety of experts and everyone in the Board looks forward to bringing what we learn back to Scotwest.


David McRiner