We are pleased to announce the latest recipient of a Scotwest Community Award is Mull Native Woodlands Group.
Nominated by Scotwest Member Ann Evans, the group raise awareness of local woodland habitats and the threats they face. Operating since 2018 they collect seeds from native trees on Mull growing them on a community tree nursery they have created on land leased from Forestry and Land Scotland. They then sell the trees to local community woodlands and private land.
Ann, who is also the Chair of the group said: “We formed in response to challenge the use of chemicals in tree plan4ng on Mull, because we cared about what was happening in woodland and forestry across the whole island. We wanted to create sustainable woodlands and through the tree nursery we go a long way to achieve that. Since our first growing season in 2020 we have planted over 15,000 trees and this Award will allow us to purchase new root-planters to help increase that to 30,000 trees each year. We are so thankful to Scotwest and its Members in helping us make a big step towards that aim.”
Find out more about Scotwest Community Awards and nominate a group or charity in your area here.