After being nominated by Scotwest Credit Union member Elaine Dalton, Hamilton based support group C.O.A.S.T. (Carers of Autism Spectrum Together) has been awarded £400 by Scotwest Credit Union as part of our 25th Anniversary Community Awards.

Being presented with their award, C.O.A.S.T. organiser CarolAnne Fallone said, “The funds from Scotwest will be going towards purchasing equipment to use when our group’s older children start their own youth club in the New Year.”

The group meet every Tuesday at the ARCH Centre, formerly the Jean Brownlie Centre in Hamilton to provide peer support and help for families across South Lanarkshire and is a much needed network of help for families of children on the autism spectrum. They regularly host events to raise funds for their activities with a Christmas Fayre taking place on 4th December.

Scotwest CEO Kenny MacLeod said “I would like to thank our member Elaine Dalton for taking the time to nominate C.O.A.S.T. for an award. We are delighted to support them and will be keeping in touch with CarolAnne and Elaine to see how the award funds have made a difference.


Scotwest Member Elaine Dalton (l) and CarolAnne Fallone (r) of C.O.A.S.T. along with members of the group.