Scotwest held its 26th Annual General Meeting last night on Monday 28 November. The CEO and myself gave reports on the progress of Scotwest during the year and the 2015/2016 Financial Statements were presented. In addition we held elections for four vacancies on the Board of Directors and I would like to extend my commiserations to Gary Kearney and John McDermott and my congratulations to Caroline McMichael, Cathy Jamieson, Ian Turner and Scott Frame on their successful election: we look forward to welcoming you on board. We also approved changes to the Rule Book firstly to accommodate two new select employers and, secondly, to tidy up the rules surrounding dormant accounts.

Finally, we held the AGM of the Scotwest Lottery.

I trust that those in attendance had an informative and enjoyable evening and encourage all of you to attend next year.

Your in co-operation

David McRiner, Chair