Justine Carter
Justine joined Scotwest in 2021 and was elected to the Board on November 2022.
She has enjoyed a long career in IT and project management in both the aviation and financial sectors, including a spell working and living in New Zealand. In recent years she has also taken up a range of voluntary opportunities with organisations including Citizens Advice, as well as taken part in Natwest’s MoneySense programme delivering financial education in schools.
Why did you want to serve as a Director?
I am looking to use the knowledge and skills gained during a 30 year career in IT and banking to support a financial services organisation that puts fairness, inclusion and customer wellbeing at the heart of its business model. Through working in the banking sector and as a volunteer advisor for Citizens Advice, I have become very aware of the importance of financial education and providing simple, transparent products that help people to make smarter financial choices. I’d like to make a contribution to the work Scotwest does in these areas.
What do you hope to gain personally from taking up this position?
I’m hoping to learn about the credit union sector, explore new opportunities and make some new friends along the way.
In 10 word or fewer, why would you recommend joining the Scotwest Board.
To support and promote the delivery of fairer financial services.